indigo Color Palette

cmyk (0%, 58%, 78%, 15%) rgb (218, 91, 48) Orange is the opposite color to blue on the color wheel, which means indigo is both a contrasting and complementary shade to orange. These two colors serve to bring the best out in each other, with each shade making the opposite shade brighter and bolder.

blue indigo Color Palette

The RGB Values and Percentages for Indigo Blue. Each system has a different value, or percentage of colors, that make up every color in the graphic design spectrum, and the same can be said for indigo blue. In the RGB (red, green, blue) system, the indigo blue color percentage is comprised of indigo blue in the RGB system is (75,0,130).

Ultimate Guide to Indigo Color 2022

The analogous colors of Indigo Blue (#3F0FB7) are Violet (RYB) (#930FB7) and Persian Blue (#0F33B7). In the RGB color wheel, these two analogous colors occur to the right and left of Indigo Blue with a 30° separation on either side. An analogous color palette is extremely soothing to the eyes and works wonders if your main color is soft or pastel.

4 Latest Color Schemes with Cerulean Blue And Indigo Color tone combinations 2023 iColorpalette

Indigo is a term used for a number of hues in the region of blue. The word comes from the ancient dye of the same name. The term "indigo" can refer to the color of the dye, various colors of fabric dyed with indigo dye, a spectral color, one of the seven colors of the rainbow, or a region on the color wheel, and can include various shades of.

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Labeled a secondary color on the color wheel, indigo is formed from mixing primary colors blue and red, creating a beautiful, rich shade. As indigo is mixed, there are many different shades available, sometimes causing confusion over what the 'true' color is meant to be. Pantone have selected their color of 2022 as '17-3938 Very Peri.

blue to indigo Color Palette

1. Deep Indigo. Deep indigo is a dark shade bordering on navy blue. It's associated with mystery, sophistication, and moodiness. 2. Electric Indigo. Electric indigo is a vibrant, intense blue-purple shade. Its bright, electric, or neon-like hue resembles the vivid color of certain types of electric lights. 3.

Indigo Blue color hex code is 3F0FB7

Indigo dye is an organic compound with a distinctive blue color.Indigo is a natural dye extracted from the leaves of some plants of the Indigofera genus, in particular Indigofera tinctoria; dye-bearing Indigofera plants were commonly grown and used throughout the world, in Asia in particular, as an important crop, with the production of indigo dyestuff economically important due to the.

What is the color code for Indigo Blue?

A beautiful blend of blue and violet, indigo is a hue that radiates power and charm. Known to open up the third eye, indigo helps us tap into our intuition. When in the presence of indigo, we become more in tune with our perceptions. As a result, we're more mindful of our surroundings. Plainly put, indigo inspires us to bask in the glory and.

Indigo Blue Panolam Surface Systems

To create a blue-indigo color paint, start with a base of deep blue, such as ultramarine or cobalt blue. Gradually introduce small amounts of purple to the blue paint, mixing and blending until you achieve the desired shade of blue-indigo. Experimentation is key, so feel free to adjust the ratio of blue and purple until you attain your desired.


Blue is a primary color and represents a broader range of hues, tones, and shades. The wavelength of indigo is shorter than that of blue, falling within the range of 425-450 nanometers. Both colors have strong cultural, psychological, and symbolic associations. Although both indigo and blue share similarities as part of the spectrum of colors.

Deep Indigo Blues Color Palette

The indigo color falls between blue and violet on the color wheel and it is a deep rich color with a purple look and feel. What Does Indigo Look Like? Indigo is a deep, rich color that is quite difficult to describe or define. It often appears darker than blue and purple and some would describe it as being a blue color with a reddish undertone.

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Deep Indigo color is also called Blue Violet. It is indigo with a brightness between screen indigo and pigment indigo. In the RGB color space, #2b0071 consists of 16.86% red, 0.0% green, and 44.31% blue, with a decimal value of 43 for red, 0 for green, and 113 for blue. In the CMKY color space, it consists of 61.95% cyan, 100.0% magenta, 0.0%.

2880x1800 Indigo Solid Color Background

But, indigo—which is very much a member of the ROYGBIV family—tends to go overlooked. The color is named after the indigo plant, which boasts leaves that produce a stunning dark blue dye. Now, indigo is primarily known as an oft-overlooked shade of the rainbow—one that is bold, rich, and incredibly fun to decorate with.

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The following colors are related to indigo. Blue; Violet; Information about Indigo / #4B0082. In a RGB color space (made from three colored lights for red, green, and blue), hex #4B0082 is made of 29.4% red, 0% green and 51% blue. In a CMYK color space (also known as process color, or four color, and used in color printing), hex #4B0082 is made.

Indigo Blue Color Codes The Hex, RGB and CMYK Values That You Need

Indigo (web safe color) HEX #330099 RGB 51, 0, 153 RGB percentage 20%, 0%, 60% CMYK 67, 100, 0, 40 HSL 260°, 100, 30. Indigo Blue. Indigo Blue color is a delightful fusion of blue and indigo. This color is vibrant and bold, embodying the serenity of blue and the depth of indigo. Indigo Blue HEX #3F0FB7 RGB 63, 15, 183 RGB percentage 25%, 6%, 72%

Pantone 193928 Tpx Blue Indigo Color Hex color Code 485470 information Hsl Rgb Pantone

Japanese Indigo, inspired by traditional Japanese dyes, is a muted, dark blue with a touch of green. It's perfect for creating a serene, Zen-like atmosphere in spaces aiming for natural and harmonious aesthetics. Hex: #264348. RGB: 38, 67, 72. CMYK: 47, 7, 0, 72.